Saturday Screenshot Breakdown


#YGTInspiration Post, Your Game Today

#YGTInspiration January 16, 2021 Post!

It’s Saturday again, which means I spent the morning trolling around Twitter and tried to find as many cool and interesting Indie game developers and their games as I could. I want you to build your game today, and the inspiration from these other developers might be just what you need. Remember, these are in no particular order, and I only selected projects that really excited me! So, in lieu of coffee, I present to you today’s #YGTInspiration post! 

Multiplayer Action RPG!


I’d be remiss if I didn’t include the current top tweet from a very exciting indie game dev who is almost ready to release their game. Judging from the preview above it looks like it’s got a lot of polish, and like they said it’s almost ready to go! What an exciting time in a game developer’s journey!

Visual Novels are Powerful Story Telling Devices


Just look at the way this room casts doubt and suspense on the player. I have as active an imagination as my children sure, but something about a visual novel allows the creator to literally give their ‘reader’ the exact emotions that they intended to convey. If a picture is worth a thousand words, these can be million-word novels.

And Some Creepy Arachnid Type Things!


You know, initially, I wanted to just keep scrolling because while I wouldn’t say I’m an arachnophobe, things like this are just unsettling. I swear I kill my own spiders! Regardless, I couldn’t pass up how well this was done and how the movement conveys urgency to… well… kill them all! The spiders… umm… not the lawyers… ha…

Futuristic World of R4i


I love this clip. It shows a world not so much like I’d expect the populous cities of our not-so-distant future… or Beijing… Tokyo… New York… with even more LEDs! More importantly, though this clip shows off a nice, stylized UI, fluid movement and thoughtful level design in the Unreal Engine. Very cool looking!

A Nice 2D Adventure Style Game, Now With Limited Ammo!


Might seem like a strange headline but they’re proud of it and I’m proud of them for it! Games need to have at least some challenge for them to hold onto the attention of your players. Limiting ammo forces the player to conserve it, and use it wisely, instead of just painting the walls with paintball mode on in the favourite shooter of our youths…

Anyhow, this is an excellent example of one of the ways you can increase the challenge of your game. Further, it gives you an option to increase the difficulty without just modifying the HP of the enemy. Ammo scarcity is a great game difficulty mechanic!

Are you ready to get going on your game today? If you’re through looking at today’s #YGTInspiration post, maybe some of these assets could help!

Be Prepared or Face Your Doom!

A strategy game that requires forethought and preparation! Sign me up! I love how the various units definitely have their own individual roles, and that it truly appears you need to have a little strategy going in order to progress. All in all this one looks like it’s coming together nicely! Bonus to that I found another game engine, Fusion, which I was not previously aware of. Awesome!


Majestic Floating Islands


I know a lot of games do it, but honestly, when it’s done well it looks awesome. The floating islands thing is a fantastic way to break up – I thank you – the landscape and present some variability in your game world. With the vines and such underneath to add just a little bit more to these islands, they look really nice!

Government Plaza IS Getting Pretty Awesome


I agree with Mark, this level is getting huge, and starting to look pretty damn good. Excellent work, can’t wait to see it come together and see what you do with the world!


The second that this showed up on my timeline I knew I was going to share it. I just want to see this mechanic in a sports game or something. You’re playing soccer in a field, and you kick the ball but oh no! You missed the net, it flies by and swiftly smashes into a forest as these spring-loaded monstrosities bounce about. Amazing. This is an awesome mechanic!

Cars Go Boom!


No traffic system is complete without the cars ramming each other at odd intervals and making a mess of the road. I love it. This is well put together by the looks of it and I think the random collisions is something missing from some of the bigger simulation games. Or maybe I just never noticed because I’m so focused on building my world… it’s one of the two. 

I want to thank all the game developers who strut their stuff every week, and for all those, I featured here on the Your Game Today #YGTInspiration Post, thank you so much for your contribution. If you happen to want your game removed, let me know and I’ll do so as soon as possible.

I want you to get started with your game today! Check out other posts on this blog, and our home page to find more resources for you to get started!

Your Game Today’s January 9, 2021 #YGTInspiration

Took a little break there but Your Game Today is back with a new #YGTInspiration post! If you’ve hit the proverbial wall and need some inspiration, never be afraid to check out what some of the other amazing game developers are doing! I’ve looked around on Twitter this week and found some great examples of ingenuity, interesting game mechanics, and just pure passion to really get you inspired. Let’s check it out!

Under Water, Environments Can Be Tricky

Just take a look at this video as the fox moves above to below the water. It takes a great deal of effort to make one environment believable and yet here we have two different environments having to be simulated at the same time. This is quite the accomplishment and requires a great deal of dedicatoin to get it done right. Plus, look at those fish!

Just for fun, here’s one more tweet from Studio 46 that I just stumbled upon. The environment is just stunning.


Dangerous Environmental Mechanics


A great side scroller game has enemies sure, but another huge aspect of the danger should come from the environment. These bridges falling out from beneath the feet of our brave adventurer call out to the games of the past, but there’s also so much you can do with it. Very nice take on an old strategy!

Fear Can Be A Powerful Story Telling Device


The self-described occult survival horror game being developed by Nix shown above is shown to have elements of the survival games we know and love. That being said, ust look at how the world appears to be tearing itself apart. A mechanic of this game being the unsettling nature of an unstable world, and playing directly with the player’s emotions. I don’t know a whole lot about this game right now, but I can tell you that playing it would put me in the right mindset for jump scares. I’m glad that I started this project on Your Game Today so that I can find and showcase all sorts of these games that are more outside the box. Great work!

Low-Fi Take, Hi-Powered Fun


Okay, this one is the real deal. I actually downloaded the demo and played it. What a trip. It’s fast-paced, and takes a little getting used to, but oh so much fun. The level was massive, and I’m absolutely certain I didn’t play the entire thing. Such a great demo. Great work Ghost Blast!

Atmosphere is Important


Why did this one stop my scrolling? I think that’s pretty clear. Look at the gif, and just contemplate how it makes you feel. The bodies strewn about, the cackling light, the movement of the characters. This is why game development is such an art form, how a game can make you feel. Great work!

Ready to move on your game development goals but need a little push? If you’re using Unity then check out where you can save time with assets from the Asset Store!

Realism Comes in Many Flavours!


This tweet caught my eye not because it’s amazingly high definition (which it is), but because the room looks like it could be lived in. The plant, the sculpture, the books organized and yet usable. The finish on the desk, the pad of paper, and sticky notes. It looks like an office I’d be proud to call my own… now about that fateful night….

It’s All Just Polygons!


From the highest graphics game to the least, if it’s in 3D one thing is certain, the whole thing is just a bunch of polygons. Math. Math is literally why we enjoy our time building and playing games. I shared this one because it does a great job showing how things come together, and… the leaf made me laugh.

The Bugs are Everywhere!


The polish on this enemy, the green lit zones, the multiple eyes and armoured carapace. I couldn’t not share it. To think that you’d have to come face to face with one of these. Even though it’s a cartoon, I think all of us could imagine this thing in 4K stomping down a hall towards us as we empty the last of our clip to no result… 

That got dark friend… 

Back to the Your Game Today inspiration post!

On the Lighter Side


To come back from the abyss a little bit there, I was hoping to find something a little more pleasant and here we are.e I don’t think enough of these types of games are made. Games that make me remember all of the simulatoin games of old, without having to wait a day or harrass my friends to speed up my crops… you know who you are. This looks fantastic, and I’m glad to have stumbled upon it!

Expanding the Options Available to the Player


I chose this last one because I think it demonstrates an excellent point. After a while playing a game you’ll begin to bore of the mechanics. This is not debatable and it will happen to every one. But, there is a lot that a game dev can do to combat this. I think one of the best of these options is to allow a character to evolve, and, even more importantly, give the player choice. 

It’s a long standing fact that the more choices a player has over their character, the longer they’re going to stick around. Sure, clothes, hair colour, and smile are great, but if you allow choices down to the mechanics level, you can encourage a player to stick around longer, and maybe even play two or three times! Since the whole point of this website is to help you make your game today, sharing a game that demostrated such a valuable point seemed appropriate. I love the spell, I love the idea of a spell system. Perhaps even a system where you can combine spells could be useful. Maybe combine a shuriken and shield spell. Or a fireball and teleport spell. Endless customization to accomodate endless play styles.

If you’re ready to get started with your game, check out the Your Game Today blog, or the guide for more information. Remember, you can do it if you’re willing to put in the time!

Well, that’s it for this week, if you were featured I thank you for sharing! If you’d like your spot removed let me know and I will have you promptly taken out. I thank all game devs for their endless contribution to the game development world. Your Game Today will be back next week with more game devs that caught my eye!

Have a good week everyone! Happy #Screenshotsaturday! 

Photo Credit: Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

Photo by Will Kirk from Pexels

November 21, 2020 #YGTInspiration

Got a game to make but stuck in the muck? Want to get going down the path to your completed game? Maybe this week’s #YGTInspiration will help you out! I waited a bit longer into the day to start searching through the #GameDev, #IndieGameDev, and #ScreenshotSaturday hashtags to try and let more of you get your creations up this week. I think last week I went a little early, though I can’t say I regret it because there was an awesome showing!

If you were on last week, don’t worry I’m not judging against you this week. I am going to try and feature as many different Indie Developers as I can. When you are trying to figure out how to make a game, you may connect with different Indie Developers than others. That’s okay, there are all kinds of us! So, without further adieu, these are the top ten that stuck out to me today, in no particular order! 

First up this week, Heredity. Another one of those games that would fit right in with the newer AAA line up. It’s a sleek-looking RPG looking for a 2021 release. Judging from the cascading waterfalls in the trailer that @HereditytheGame has pinned on their profile, I think it’s coming along nicely too. Certainly one to look for in 2021.

Use Everything Available to You

Here’s an awesome looking 2D game made with the Godot Engine. I feel like since Unity and Unreal spend big bucks on advertising that the Godot Engine tends to get left behind. Here’s Adam showing that it’s certainly not out for the count. It’s an open-source tool that can definitely help speed your project along. If you’re making a game you should know all of the options available to you. Check out the Godot Engine and remember that Adam sent you their way!

Innovative Puzzle Game


What a unique take on those awesome puzzles that we all used to have as kids. Moving the board pieces around can lead you to your goals or down the path of ruin. I love how César used this to his advantage and created a puzzle game that will have you focused not only on how it should fit together, but also how to best avoid the mobs and pitfalls that await you. Very innovative!

Survival Games Hardly Ever Go Here!


The survival genre is absolutely nothing new. Usually, however, we see this survival genre taking place in a desert, in space, or some fancy island. You know what there isn’t enough of? Northern landscapes like you’d find in Sweden – Not at all because it’s basically like Canada right? – and this game sticks out for it. If you go to Tim’s profile and scroll down a bit, you might even catch a moose!

Combo x5


Wheel of Persona announcing that they’ve completed and are showcasing their combo system. Look at the fluid attacks and those health bars melting away. I’ve got to say that I actually really enjoy the graphics and the gameplay on this one. First off, I’m distracted by shiny things so I’m immediately drawn to all the glowing elements, but also I love how the gameplay almost reminds me of a 2D hack and slash. Certainly, an interesting game to watch!

Ready to start building your own game today? 


Technically Impressive and Ready for Alpha!


This one looked good, but when it switched to the camera view I lost it. This game looks technically sound, to say the least. The lack of colour is reminiscent of the old retro gaming days, and yet it is fluid and modern looking. It’s moved to alpha now too, so if you’re looking for a lot of inspiration, go check this one out!

Use Everything Available to You


Below the Stone! Get’s my interest immediately and seems to be borrowing from the biggest crafting games out there now, and then using them in a Rogue like world. It’s exciting, and looks like it’s coming along well. You can wishlist this one on Steam now too!

Triple A Game and the Clock is Running


Here’s Sergey with the ambitious goal of getting a AAA worthy game together, using Unity3D, in six months. Given the preview on his tweet here, I think he’s gonna… cleave it… No, that didn’t work. But seriously check out Sergei’s work!

Entering System Nostalgia


This cockpit sent some serious nostalgia vibes right through me. A good flight simulation game has become increasingly difficult to find, and this one, at least from this preview, seems to be going for the throne. Check it out!

You Wanna See My Axe?


When you want to get into Game Dev you gotta smash down the door! With your fists! Okay maybe you can just make an amazing game, but it seems like Chris over at Cobble Games is doing just that. Check out this sure to be delightful alien smashing game!

So that’s it for this week’s #YGTInspiration. Did you want your game here, use the Contact Me form or tweet at @YourGame2Day and let me know. I can’t promise I’ll get to everyone, but I’ll do what I can! Are you ready to make your game today? It’ll be great!

Game Developer Working - Photo by hitesh choudhary from Pexels

November 14, 2020 #YGTInspiration

Here is the first of a series, your November 14, 2020, #YGTInspiration. I wanted to aggregate a lot of the awesome games that were being made and shared all the time by people just like you. So this morning I perused the #ScreenShotSaturday, #GameDev, and #IndieDev hashtags, and I’m bringing you some of the coolest things I could find. Just to be clear, I have no connection with these folks, and I’m just perusing awesome projects in the works. Check these out!

Simple and Very Satisfying

There’s something to be said for being able to make a minimalist pixel-based world come to life. This screenshot encapsulates that perfectly. I mean come on, you can see the grass moving, you can feel the slight breeze that has the power lines swinging back and forth, and the clouds moving across the sky.

Colour is unnecessary in this world as the artist and game dev has done a fantastic job of bringing it to life with the fewest details they could. As a point and click game, it seems fascinating that you could get lost in a world that seems so simple, but just from this quick demonstration, I can tell that you totally could. Give Joakim a follow to see more. Looks great Joakim!

Canada is Full of these Menacing Beasts!

As a Canadian, after stumbling across this I simply can NOT share this one. Toronto the moose warrior!

This game has some slick looking graphics that remind me a bit of a more modern early 90’s game style and has fighting mechanics that would make a certain band of warrior turtles proud. I love the artwork on this one. Check out Veredilia on Twitter to see much more in their timeline!

A Battle for the Ages, or Until the Next One!

This one from Alain is a reminder that Indie Devs are on the heels of the AAA games. With a mob that looks like he’d be right at home in any of the mainstream RPG’s out there, and a combat system that appears to be top-notch even if still a work in progress, Alain seems to be on the right path here!

Honestly, look at how lush that boulder covered landscape is, and this short video does a great job making me want to see what’s in that encampment over there. Certainly not long enough.

Ho! Ho! AHHH!!!

Here’s one that you can wishlist on Steam, and it’s a perfect fit with the season. Headbangers in Holiday Helllooks to allow you to ravage the holidays like never before. Don’t take “out of stock” for an answer, if you catch my drift.

A perfect example of an indie game brought to completion, I love seeing these and I know as an aspiring game dev you do too!

Every Good Game has a Platypus

This one from Cheekynauts Entertainment has a demo up on Patreon. Evil mutant tomatoes, and a platypus. What more could you ask for?

I love the fun colours in this game, and the world seems to be interesting and exciting. Kind of like a lost island, with crates and barrels lying around. The UI seems simple and intuitive, and that death scene is both embarrassing and quite well done! 

Indie Dev with Pre-Rendered Cut Scenes

I said it a little earlier, and I’ll say it again. There are few things that the AAA’s can pull off that indie’s can’t and the gap closes year after year. This space-based Tactical RPG in development with ZeroPoint is a perfect example. I mean just look at this test render!

I can think of few games that pulled off tactical space combat really well, and none of them were released that recently. I think this one has a great shot at the market. Especially with visuals like this.

I’m Not Locked in With You, You’re Locked in With Me

Remember when it seemed every game had you reach a boss, the gates would close, and you duked it out? Well, this game gives me that kind of energy, except, well whoever’s playing isn’t messing around. See those columns flying. Stunning.

The mobs are well animated, the world is detailed and beautiful, and all of that won’t matter because you’ll be too busy avoiding massive spikes, and running that enormous sword into your enemies. Looks awesome!

First FPS Game, Nails it

So In4 here is trying to tell us this is his absolutely first attempt at making an FPS game. If it is a friend, kudos because this is fluid and epic. I’m a big proponent of the fact that graphics don’t need to be AAA quality for a game to exceed what those big studios can do. Games need heart, this video has it in spades.

Looking forward to watching this develop!

Impossible Becomes Possible

There’s no escape, or is there? This Top-Down to a side-scrolling mechanic is one that I think is pretty novel. I’ve never encountered it before anyhow. Looks like it would add a layer of intricacy and difficulty to two well-explored game types. 

Gone for a Swim

Wrapping up this first post with a nice swim in a pond. Watch the beautiful transition to the water in this one. The world is lush and filled out, and you can feel the tranquility through the screen.

I don’t know much about the game itself, but I know that this was done really well, and was worth sharing on a post meant to inspire you and allow you to get ideas for your own game dev adventures.

See any games out there that I missed this weekend? Want your game featured next week? Let me know on Twitter, or use the Contact Form! Happy Coding!