5 Common Unity Game Development Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

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Photo by Garrett Morrow from Pexels



Unity is an extremely powerful game development engine that has been used to create some of the most successful indie games in recent history. However, Unity can be tricky to use, and many developers make common mistakes while working with it. In this blog post, we will discuss 5 of the most common Unity mistakes, and how you can avoid them!

Understanding the Built-In Physics Engine

Unity has a built-in physics engine that can be used for things like character movement and collision detection, but all too often developers either don’t know how to use it or do not know the full extent of its usefulness. This often leads them into trouble when they try implementing their own systems instead of relying on Unity. The best way to avoid this mistake is by learning how Unity works before building anything in it!

A good place to start would be Unity Learn. For example, you could use the lesson Physics Interactions: Colliders and Triggers to nail down some of the more difficult concepts. There are definitely plenty of other lessons there as well to fully flesh out your use of the Unity physics systems. If you don’t want to take the time to learn the intricate means that Unity has to sort these things out, you can also make use of the many assets available on the asset store such as Hurricane VR (Affiliate Link).

Make Use of Mechanim Animation

A lot of Unity games rely heavily on animation, so if you’re not using the Mecanim system then you very likely may spend much more time developing your characters and npc’s then you otherwise would need to.

When I first started using Unity I spent way too much time developing features that were already there. There’s absolutely no need to reimplement a system that is already available in the Unity Engine. Make use of the tutorials, that’s why they’re there! It’s important that anyone who wants their animations done right learn about mecanim first before making any attempts at implementing it themselves. You’re probably going to save yourself a lot of work.

Unity’s Built In Audio Features

Unity has an audio mixer and a number of other features that can be used for things like sound effects or music playback in your game – but many people aren’t aware of these tools because they don’t know where to look on Unity’s website or even what Unity is capable doing with them (such as mixing multiple tracks together into one, for the record, here’s the link to the documentation).

The best way to avoid this mistake is to make sure you take the time to learn the features of Unity. Don’t make any assumptions about what Unity does or doesn’t do until you’ve actually explored its capabilities first hand. If there’s something specific that seems impossible then ask yourself “how would I go about achieving this goal using another engine?” and use those answers as your starting point. Just remember that Unity is powerful enough to do anything you want so don’t give up!

Unity’s Particle System

Continuing in the vein of making sure you use what Unity has to offer, Unity has a built-in particle system. You could definitely go ahead and try and design your own, but that may lead them into trouble when they try implementing their own systems instead of relying on Unity’s. So before you go about generating 11,000 game objects that are simply sprites pointing their normal at the camera try looking into the particle system first.

If there’s something specific that seems impossible then ask yourself “how would I go about achieving this goal using another engine?” and use those answers as your starting point. Just remember that Unity is powerful enough to do anything you want so don’t give up!

Unity is a powerful engine, and with the right knowledge it can be used to create some amazing games. By avoiding these common mistakes, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a Unity master! Check out my blog more for!




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