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One of the most difficult aspects of game design is ensuring that you’ve got all of your bases covered. Maybe you’re great with the art, you’re a whiz with the programming aspect, and you can even do up the plan, but you’ve fallen apart when it comes to making or finding some music for your game. Don’t worry! I’ve got you covered. When it comes to making your game today, and making it well, you can rely on some of these solid choices while finding music for your game.

I’m going to cover some of the ones I’ve had the best luck with first, but don’t be a stranger to the bottom of the list as many of these options are quite viable. Do keep in mind that it is entirely possible that your music will be used by others when you rely on these options, and most likely the free options will be more popular, however when it comes to game design, if you really hit it out of the park, that tune will be tied to your game forever in the hearts of those who have played it.

The Ultimate Game Music Collection (Paid)

Over 200 different tracks suiting a variety of genres, and often enough on sale when Unity is running their special, this collection is a must-have for independent game developers. Even for those with the musical chops to build their own tracks, this can help you build up, prototype, and even cut down on your own workload when you find a track that suits your needs when finding music for your games.

ccMixter (Free, with Credit Given)

ccMixter Logo
The logo for ccMixter

I’ll be quite honest, when I first landed on ccMixter it took me a few seconds to orient myself, however, it has proven quite popular with the Unity Game Development Community. There are tons of different musical artists that contribute, and a wide selection. It’s worth noting that they do specify that you must give credit to the composer, though, at least in my opinion, if your game has a credits section, this is the right thing to do even if you’ve paid for it. Certainly, a great option when finding music for your games.

Total Music Pack (Paid)

This is another of the larger music compilation packs that you can purchase through Unity. This pack boasts over ten gigabytes of high-quality audio files and over five hundred different tracks. If anything this pack might slow down your game creation rather than speed it up, but once you’re familiar with your purchase you’ll have no problems when it comes to the musical side of your games!

If that one seems a bit expensive, and trust me I know some of these packs can be, the same Studio also offers a Lite version! Either pack is a great option for when you’re finding music for your games. (Free) Logo Logo

FreeSound has a wide selection of various music tracks and sounds. Certainly another site for you to add to your collection. Sorted by various tags representing genres, instruments, and more, you could spend hours jaunting your way around this site, though with this kind of a selection, finding music for your games is bound to be fruitful. To make things even better, this site even provides some sound effects that you could use to make your game.

Colossal Game Music Collection (Paid)

A final one from the Unity Asset store. Five gigabytes of Horror, Action, piano tracks and so much more for a really reasonable price. You’ll be able to quickly and easily get your game the ambiance that it deserves and find great music for your game.

There are plenty of other options available online as well, but these are some of the ones that I have the most experience with. Do you have any to suggest? Comment below!

Finding Music For Your Game Doesn’t Have to Be a Pain

There are thousands of other options other than what you see here. Everything from hiring a composer, to using a free option are available to you. Don’t let the music be what prevents you from making your game today!

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